27 feet measured out between the front of both boards
Board is 4’x2′
Call for Price
27 feet measured out between the front of both boards
Board is 4’x2′
Cornhole is a fun outdoor lawn game that can be played by people of all ages and skill levels. Cornhole can be played as singles or doubles and the only equipment required is two boards, eight bags, some open space and a few people ready for some fun!
To play, each player or team takes turns tossing their bags at the board opposite of them. When a player gets a bag in the hole they score three points and any bags that land (and remain) on the board receive one point. Play continues until the first player or team reaches 21.
There are many strategies to the corn hole game and with practice players can achieve the envious repeat “ringers” or “swishes” (consecutive bags through the hole). Cornhole is easy to learn, yet it can become very competitive as well with many leagues and tournaments popping up all over the world.